Bangabdhu sacrificeid his life for removing disparity and to attain social justice and economic development of the country: Dr.Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad

Today(26th December,2020) Entreprenrurial economists club of Dhaka School of Economics arranged an e-seminar on “Bangabandhu and Bangladesh” where speakers to celebrate the 100th birth year of father of the nation in the month of 49th year of the Victory.Speakers paid the homage in rememberance of Bangabadhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as Bangla language and creation of Bangladesh and to eradicate poverty and creation of economic development of the country Bangabandhu played vital role.He selflessly worked for the country people to make the country come out from the colonial rule of the Pakistani period.Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of the Independent Bangladesh and till his last breath he did well being of the people and tried to remove disparity, Dr.Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad ,Chairman,Governing council and Director (Honorary),Dhaka School of Economics and Chairman,PKSF as a chief guest and key note address argued different stages of the life sketch of the Bangabandhu and how Bangabdhu became undiputed and propeple leader and creator of the independent country Bangladesh was narrated.He also mentioned the six-pint demand and  Bangabandhu’s historic March 7 speech deserves a special mention to create independence of Bangladesh as he mentioned in his speech. Dr.Ahmad said that Bangabdhu sacrificeid his life for removing disparity and to attain  social justice and economic development of the country.

Prof.Dr.Muhammad Mahboob Ali ,Programme coordinator Entreprenruship ,DScE session chaired in the programme.Prof. Ali said that evils and conspirators are more dangerous and killed him with his family members and relatives who is a great friend and well-wishers of Bengalis on 15th August, 1975. Mujib was a man of accomplishment;fought for economic freedom for the people and wanted an oppression free country.

Prof. Arup Choudhuri,India paid a rich tribute to Bangabandhu and argued that he always wanted those who are corrupt to get a penalty for their misdeed
Prof.Dr.M.Lutfar Rham,1st Vice Chancellor of Rangpur University and now living  in Australia argued that without Bangabandhu the economic development of the country cannot be able to proceed.

Prof.Hafiz T.A.Khan,University of West London,UK argued that Bangabandhu wanted to develop human capital for nation building.

Among others Rehana Parvin,Sara Tasneem ,Assistant Professors of DScE and Entrepreneurial Economists Club president Umman Nahar Azmee also  spoke in the seminar.