JSC result 2019 Chittagong Board: Chittagong Board JSC Result 2019 , JSC Exam result 2019 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Chittagong , Chittagong Education board JSC Result Website www.bise-ctg.gov.bd , Chittagong board JSC Exam result will be published on 31 December 2019.
Chittagong board JSC Result 2019 with full mark sheet, Chittagong board JSC Result 2019 with full Grade sheet, Chittagong board JSC Result 2019 mark sheet download , Check Chittagong board JSC result for roll individual number. Chittagong board College wise JSC Result download 2019, Chittagong board College wise JSC Result download 2019 is now available here.
JSC Result 2019 Chittagong board online here:
Chittagong Board JSC result 2019 will be published here on 31 December at 12:00 PM
Visit Ctg Board SSC Result 2019 official Website
JSC result 2019 Chittagong Board by SMS Method:
Chittagong Education board will be also published JSC result 2019 through SMS method. This method will be working after the result announced officially. From the JSC Result 2019 notice published by Chittagong Education board we have noticed that Chittagong board will be published JSC result 2019 on 31 December 2:00 PM. So SMS method will be working after that time. SMS result checking method is given below:
At first Go to your Mobile Write message option. Then type:
JSC<Space>CHI<Space>your roll no<Space>2019
Then send the SMS to 16222
Example: JSC CHI 259667 2019 and send to 16222
NB: You will be charged 2.44/= TK for the SMS. So keep at least 2.44/= on your mobile before send the SMS. You will get your Chittagong board JSC exam result within a few minutes after successfully send the SMS.
JSC result 2019 Chittagong Board Notice
Chittagong Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education JSC exam result related notice will be published here. From the notice you can be noticed about all the necessary information about Chittagong Board JSC result 2019. So keep visiting on our website regularly to get the notice.
Chittagong Board JSC Result 2019 Statistics:
This year, in JSC and equivalent exam 2019 in Chittagong board – examines taken part from 6 districts. Among of them – students are boys and – students are girls.
Last Year Chittagong Board examines was -. This year Chittagong board JSC result was held on – center.
Total Student –
Male Student –
Female Student –
Institution Number –
Center Number –
Passed Student –
Pass Rate –
GPA 5 Number –
GPA 5 Rate –
Chittagong board JSC Result Board Challenge process 2019
Generally JSC Board Challenge process runs 1 week from the JSC result publish next day. JSC Result 2019 will be published on 31 December 2019. Chittagong board JSC Result Board Challenge process 2019 application process deadline is 01-07 December, 2020. Students who are not satisfied about their result, they can be applied for JSC Result Rescrutiny 2019. Rescrutiny application can be done only through Teletalk Prepaid Mobile Phone. So, Student’s didn’t need to go to Chittagong Education board physically to Recheck result.
JSC Scholarship Result 2019 Chittagong board
Chittagong Education board will be publish JSC Scholarship Result 2019 according to JSC result 2019. JSC Scholarship Result will be published in to category. first category is General Category and the 2nd category is Talent pool category. Both category’s Chittagong Board JSC Scholarship result 2019 will be published here after published by Chittagong Education board. Generally the Scholarship result is published within a few month after JSC result published date. The result will be published in pdf format. We will upload the Chittagong Board JSC Scholarship result 2019 pdf file on our website. So, you can easily download the result from our website.
Chattogram Education Board History: Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Chattogram
(here in after referred as BISE) started its operation in 1995. It is an autonomous and self-regulating organization in the field of educational administration and management in Bangladesh. Considering the growing demand for both qualitative and quantitative education in country, the BISE is trying to develop it as a center of excellence in the field of educational administration.
According to the ordinance of the board, The East Pakistan Intermediate and Secondary Education Ordinance, 1961 (East Pakistan Ordinance No. XXXIII of 1961) and its Section 3A(1) , it is responsible for the organization, regulation, supervision, control and development of Intermediate, Secondary and Junior level public examinations and educational institutions of Chittagong, Cox’sBazar, Rangamati, Khagrachari & Bandarban district.
People of greater Chattogram (i.e. Chittagong, Cox’sBazar, Rangamati, Khagrachari & Bandarban district) used to cherish a dream for long to have an Education Board in Chattogram to mitigate their sufferings and get rid of the harassment, trouble and expense which they used to face when they were to go to the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Comilla to solve their different problems. This was very troublesome, expensive & time consuming. It was quite unnatural that there was no education board in Chattogram. Chattogram which is the main port city of Bangladesh and the hub of commercial and industrial activities of the nation. The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Chittagong started its operation in 1995 as a result of a strong movement in 1994 for it. It is an autonomous and self-regulating organization in the field of educational administration and management in Bangladesh. Since its inception, the BISE, Chittagong will be performing its activities although it faced so many difficulties
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