Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)a Constituent Institution of University of
Dhaka arranged seminar on Access to Entrepreneurial Finance from the Banking
Sector and SDGs, and Corporate Social Responsibilities for Experienced and
young professionals on 22 December,2018.
In the program session chair was Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Entreprneurial expert and macroeconomist and Coordinator, Entrepreneurship Programme, DScE. In the programme Chief Guest was KSM Mostafizur Rahman, Managing Director, One Pharma Ltd. and special guest was Shahamin S Zaman, CEO, CSR Centre Bangladesh. KSM Mostafizur Rahman described qualities of an entrepreneur while Shahamin S Zaman relate CSR with employability and SDGs.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali argued that entrepreneurship learning is a
medium for professional consciousness for which under Dhaka School of
Economics as a team working.
Rehana Parvin ,Assistan Professor ,DScE also talk on this occasion.
Latter annual general meeting of the Entrepreneurial economists club was held.